Product Description
These lightweight tools are aluminum alloy and are for use with light gauge pails due to their strength. Each handle is equipped with an on/off thumb control for added safety and ease of operation.
- Designed for overhead spring or counterbalance mounting
- Requires 90 psi air supply
- Here’s a fast and effective method for closing moderate to high volumes of 2 gallon steel pails: Just place the tool over top of the cover, push down on the twin handles and the malleable iron jaws crimp all the lugs at once
- Supplied with a grease fitting for easy maintenance and long tool life
This item is non-returnable.
To ensure a proper seal we will custom fit the closing tool for your specific application. Just call our Customer Service Experts at 1.847.961.5347 or email us for directions on where to send a sample of your container and lid.